Minnesota Cosmetology License

Minnesota Cosmetology License

Do you have passion for cosmetology and think about working as a certified cosmetologist in Minnesota? Your ambition will definitely move you ahead, you will need to obtain a Minnesota cosmetology license.

For a cosmetology license you must have completed an appropriate training program at certified school. This beauty school must be verified by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology. Note that you must complete the cosmetology training with required training hours (at least 1150) in the course of your education.

How do I transfer my cosmetology license to Minnesota?

In the case of being currently certified in your home state, you must present the confirmation of your licensure right from your home state. Besides, show your high school diploma, fulfillment of exams and an application for reciprocity with a $195 cost. It must be paid to the state of Minnesota. The reciprocity will permit you to work in Minnesota under the license that has been achieved in another state. Still, if you cannot transfer your license to Minnesota in this way, the only version is to take practical exams in the new state. You probably can transfer your training hours from your home state to the new one, but you will have to get confirmation of those hours from your home state’s licensing board.

How many hours does it take to become a licensed cosmetologist in Minnesota?

Before applying for a cosmetology license in Minnesota, you need to be aware of hair, skin, make up and nail care.
As the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology states, applicants have to match the below-mentioned required criteria in order to get a cosmetology license:

  • Age: Be 17 years old and above
  • Education: Approve your high school graduation, GED fulfillment
  • Application: Apply for the cosmetology licensure with a proper payment.

Each cosmetology institution has its requirement to offer educational duration. For instance, the Salon Professional Academy offers cosmetology program that takes 1550 hours: It means that the program can be realized in 48 weeks. Therefore, your cosmetology license can be in your hands in less than a year! However, the period may take longer.

Importantly, remember to maintain your license as a rule. As a matter of fact, your Minnesota cosmetology license renews every three years. You are required to complete four hours of BCE- verified continuing education (CE) every three years for keeping your license up-to-date.

Consider that three years of CE must be in the spheres of health, safety and sanitation, and the remaining hour should be in laws and rules.

If you have questions regarding cosmetology licensure, feel free to contact Minnesota Department of Commerce – Cosmetology Unit:

133 East Seventh St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Or contact 1000 University Avenue W, Suite 100:
ST. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651-201-2742
Fax: 651-649-5702
Website: https://mn.gov/boards/cosmetology/

So, if you are a vehement applicant in your journey of achieving a cosmetology license in Minnesota and becoming a certified cosmetologist, your future will be shining. Make your steps reasonable and be proud of your results, gained due to your consistency!

Verifying a licensed cosmetologist in Minnesota

Using the search above you may conduct a cosmetology license lookup in Minnesota, or you may contact the Minnesota Cosmetology Board for this.

Diana H

Diana H

Diana H., Author at License Lookup